Granite Colors
Keystone Blue: Quarried since 1962, this is one of Elberton Georgia's darker blue granites.
Topaz Blue: One of the darkest blue-gray granites available. Fine grained and excellent contrast.
Missouri Red: One of the few domestic red granites. Quarried in Graniteville, Missouri.
American Black: Also referred to as Gem Mist. Quarried in St. Peters, Pennsylvania.
Medium Barre: Barre, Vermont
Dakota Mahogany: A brownish mahogany, coarse grain granite quarried in Millbank, South Dakota
Galaxy Black: Solid jet black granite from Zimbabwe
Impala Black: Charcoal black quarried in Africa
Flash Black: Charcoal black quarried in Africa
Blue Pearl: Iridescent blue granite quarried in Norway
Keystone Green: Medium grain green granite quarried in Canada
North American Pink
Colonial Rose
Georgia Marble
Gray Cloud
Hedquist Pink
St. Albans Pink